Network group process

from datetime import datetime

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
import re

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from numba import njit
from numpy import arange, array, empty, ones

from py_eddy_tracker import data
from py_eddy_tracker.generic import flatten_line_matrix
from import Network
from py_eddy_tracker.observations.observation import EddiesObservations
class VideoAnimation(FuncAnimation):
    def _repr_html_(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """To get video in html and have a player"""
        content = self.to_html5_video()
        return re.sub(
            r'width="[0-9]*"\sheight="[0-9]*"', 'width="100%" height="100%"', content

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if args[0].endswith("gif"):
            # In this case gif is used to create thumbnail which is not used but consume same time than video
            # So we create an empty file, to save time
            with open(args[0], "w") as _:
        return super().save(*args, **kwargs)

def apply_replace(x, x0, x1):
    nb = x.shape[0]
    for i in range(nb):
        if x[i] == x0:
            x[i] = x1

Modified class to catch group process at each step in order to illustrate processing

class MyNetwork(Network):
    def get_group_array(self, results, nb_obs):
        """With a loop on all pair of index, we will label each obs with a group
        nb_obs = array(nb_obs, dtype="u4")
        day_start = nb_obs.cumsum() - nb_obs
        gr = empty(nb_obs.sum(), dtype="u4")
        gr[:] = self.NOGROUP

        id_free = 1
        for i, j, ii, ij in results:
            gr_i = gr[slice(day_start[i], day_start[i] + nb_obs[i])]
            gr_j = gr[slice(day_start[j], day_start[j] + nb_obs[j])]
            # obs with no groups
            m = (gr_i[ii] == self.NOGROUP) * (gr_j[ij] == self.NOGROUP)
            nb_new = m.sum()
            gr_i[ii[m]] = gr_j[ij[m]] = arange(id_free, id_free + nb_new)
            id_free += nb_new
            # associate obs with no group with obs with group
            m = (gr_i[ii] != self.NOGROUP) * (gr_j[ij] == self.NOGROUP)
            gr_j[ij[m]] = gr_i[ii[m]]
            m = (gr_i[ii] == self.NOGROUP) * (gr_j[ij] != self.NOGROUP)
            gr_i[ii[m]] = gr_j[ij[m]]
            # case where 2 obs have a different group
            m = gr_i[ii] != gr_j[ij]
            if m.any():
                # Merge of group, ref over etu
                for i_, j_ in zip(ii[m], ij[m]):
                    g0, g1 = gr_i[i_], gr_j[j_]
                    apply_replace(gr, g0, g1)
            NETWORK_GROUPS.append((i, j, gr.copy()))
        return gr

Movie period

t0 = (datetime(2005, 5, 1) - datetime(1950, 1, 1)).days
t1 = (datetime(2005, 6, 1) - datetime(1950, 1, 1)).days

Get data from period and area

e = EddiesObservations.load_file(data.get_demo_path(""))
e = e.extract_with_mask((e.time >= t0) * (e.time < t1)).extract_with_area(
    dict(llcrnrlon=25, urcrnrlon=35, llcrnrlat=31, urcrnrlat=37.5)

Reproduce individual daily identification(for demonstration)

for i, b0, b1 in e.iter_on("time"):
# need for display
e = EddiesObservations.concatenate(EDDIES_BY_DAYS)

Run network building group to intercept every step

def update(frame):
    i_current, i_match, gr = NETWORK_GROUPS[frame]
    current = EDDIES_BY_DAYS[i_current]
    x = flatten_line_matrix(current.contour_lon_e)
    y = flatten_line_matrix(current.contour_lat_e)
    current_contour.set_data(x, y)
    match = EDDIES_BY_DAYS[i_match]
    x = flatten_line_matrix(match.contour_lon_e)
    y = flatten_line_matrix(match.contour_lat_e)
    matched_contour.set_data(x, y)
    txt.set_text(f"Day {i_current} match with day {i_match}")
    s = 80 * ones(gr.shape)
    s[gr == 0] = 4


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9), dpi=50)
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
ax.set_aspect("equal"), ax.grid(), ax.set_xlim(26, 34), ax.set_ylim(31, 35.5)
cmap = ListedColormap(["gray", *e.COLORS[:-1]], name="from_list", N=30)
kw_s = dict(cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=30)
groups = ax.scatter(e.lon,, c=NETWORK_GROUPS[0][2], **kw_s)
current_contour = ax.plot([], [], "k", lw=2, label="Current contour")[0]
matched_contour = ax.plot([], [], "r", lw=1, ls="--", label="Candidate contour")[0]
txt = ax.text(29, 35, "", fontsize=25)
ani = VideoAnimation(fig, update, frames=len(NETWORK_GROUPS), interval=220)

Final Result

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
ax.set_aspect("equal"), ax.grid(), ax.set_xlim(26, 34), ax.set_ylim(31, 35.5)
_ = ax.scatter(e.lon,, c=NETWORK_GROUPS[-1][2], **kw_s)
pet group anim

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 19.117 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery