LAVD detection and geometric detection

Naive method to reproduce LAVD(Lagrangian-Averaged Vorticity deviation). In the current example we didn’t remove a mean vorticity.

Method are described here:

  • Abernathey, Ryan, and George Haller. “Transport by Lagrangian Vortices in the Eastern Pacific”, Journal of Physical Oceanography 48, 3 (2018): 667-685, accessed Feb 16, 2021,

  • Transport by Coherent Lagrangian Vortices, R. Abernathey, Sinha A., Tarshish N., Liu T., Zhang C., Haller G., 2019, Talk a t the Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy CLIVAR Workshop

from datetime import datetime

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import arange, isnan, ma, meshgrid, zeros

from py_eddy_tracker import start_logger
from import get_demo_path
from py_eddy_tracker.dataset.grid import GridCollection, RegularGridDataset
from py_eddy_tracker.gui import GUI_AXES

class LAVDGrid(RegularGridDataset):
    def init_speed_coef(self, uname="u", vname="v"):
        """Hack to be able to identify eddy with LAVD field"""
        self._speed_ev = self.grid("lavd")

    def from_(cls, x, y, z):
        z.mask += isnan(
        datas = dict(lavd=z, lon=x, lat=y)
        return cls.with_array(coordinates=("lon", "lat"), datas=datas, centered=True)
def start_ax(title="", dpi=90):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5), dpi=dpi)
    ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.08, 0.9, 0.9], projection=GUI_AXES)
    ax.set_xlim(-6, 36), ax.set_ylim(31, 45)
    return fig, ax, ax.text(3, 32, "", fontsize=20)

def update_axes(ax, mappable=None):
    if mappable:
        cb = plt.colorbar(
            cax=ax.figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.01]),
        cb.set_label("LAVD at initial position")
        return cb

kw_lavd = dict(vmin=0, vmax=2e-5, cmap="viridis")


# Load data cube of 3 month
c = GridCollection.from_netcdf_cube(

# Add vorticity at each time step
for g in c:
    u_y = g.compute_stencil(g.grid("u"), vertical=True)
    v_x = g.compute_stencil(g.grid("v"))
    g.vars["vort"] = v_x - u_y
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
  result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in subtract
  result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)


# Time properties, for example with advection only 25 days
nb_days, step_by_day = 25, 6
nb_time = step_by_day * nb_days
kw_p = dict(nb_step=1, time_step=86400 / step_by_day, u_name="u", v_name="v")
t0 = 20236
t0_grid = c[t0]
# Geographic properties, we use a coarser resolution for time consuming reasons
step = 1 / 32.0
x_g, y_g = arange(-6, 36, step), arange(30, 46, step)
x0, y0 = meshgrid(x_g, y_g)
original_shape = x0.shape
x0, y0 = x0.reshape(-1), y0.reshape(-1)
# Get all particles in defined area
m = ~isnan(t0_grid.interp("vort", x0, y0))
x0, y0 = x0[m], y0[m]
print(f"{x0.size} particles advected")
# Gridded mask
m = m.reshape(original_shape)
252256 particles advected

LAVD forward (dynamic field)

lavd = zeros(original_shape)
lavd_ = lavd[m]
p = c.advect(x0.copy(), y0.copy(), t_init=t0, **kw_p)
for _ in range(nb_time):
    t, x, y = p.__next__()
    lavd_ += abs(c.interp("vort", t / 86400.0, x, y))
lavd[m] = lavd_ / nb_time
# Put LAVD result in a standard py eddy tracker grid
lavd_forward = LAVDGrid.from_(x_g, y_g, ma.array(lavd, mask=~m).T)
# Display
fig, ax, _ = start_ax("LAVD with a forward advection")
mappable = lavd_forward.display(ax, "lavd", **kw_lavd)
_ = update_axes(ax, mappable)
LAVD with a forward advection
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply

LAVD backward (dynamic field)

lavd = zeros(original_shape)
lavd_ = lavd[m]
p = c.advect(x0.copy(), y0.copy(), t_init=t0, backward=True, **kw_p)
for i in range(nb_time):
    t, x, y = p.__next__()
    lavd_ += abs(c.interp("vort", t / 86400.0, x, y))
lavd[m] = lavd_ / nb_time
# Put LAVD result in a standard py eddy tracker grid
lavd_backward = LAVDGrid.from_(x_g, y_g, ma.array(lavd, mask=~m).T)
# Display
fig, ax, _ = start_ax("LAVD with a backward advection")
mappable = lavd_backward.display(ax, "lavd", **kw_lavd)
_ = update_axes(ax, mappable)
LAVD with a backward advection

LAVD forward (static field)

lavd = zeros(original_shape)
lavd_ = lavd[m]
p = t0_grid.advect(x0.copy(), y0.copy(), **kw_p)
for _ in range(nb_time):
    x, y = p.__next__()
    lavd_ += abs(t0_grid.interp("vort", x, y))
lavd[m] = lavd_ / nb_time
# Put LAVD result in a standard py eddy tracker grid
lavd_forward_static = LAVDGrid.from_(x_g, y_g, ma.array(lavd, mask=~m).T)
# Display
fig, ax, _ = start_ax("LAVD with a forward advection on a static velocity field")
mappable = lavd_forward_static.display(ax, "lavd", **kw_lavd)
_ = update_axes(ax, mappable)
LAVD with a forward advection on a static velocity field

LAVD backward (static field)

lavd = zeros(original_shape)
lavd_ = lavd[m]
p = t0_grid.advect(x0.copy(), y0.copy(), backward=True, **kw_p)
for i in range(nb_time):
    x, y = p.__next__()
    lavd_ += abs(t0_grid.interp("vort", x, y))
lavd[m] = lavd_ / nb_time
# Put LAVD result in a standard py eddy tracker grid
lavd_backward_static = LAVDGrid.from_(x_g, y_g, ma.array(lavd, mask=~m).T)
# Display
fig, ax, _ = start_ax("LAVD with a backward advection on a static velocity field")
mappable = lavd_backward_static.display(ax, "lavd", **kw_lavd)
_ = update_axes(ax, mappable)
LAVD with a backward advection on a static velocity field

Contour detection

To extract contour from LAVD grid, we will used method design for SSH, with some hacks and adapted options. It will produce false amplitude and speed.

kw_ident = dict(
    pixel_limit=(40, 200000),
    date=datetime(2005, 5, 18),
fig, ax, _ = start_ax("Detection of eddies with several method")
t0_grid.bessel_high_filter("adt", 700)
a, c = t0_grid.eddy_identification(
    "adt", "u", "v", kw_ident["date"], step=0.002, shape_error=70
kw_ed = dict(ax=ax, intern=True, ref=-10)
    facecolors="#FFEFCD", label="Anticyclonic SSH detection {nb_obs} eddies", **kw_ed
c.filled(facecolors="#DEDEDE", label="Cyclonic SSH detection {nb_obs} eddies", **kw_ed)
kw_cont = dict(ax=ax, extern_only=True, ls="-", ref=-10)
forward, _ = lavd_forward.eddy_identification(**kw_ident)
forward.display(label="LAVD forward {nb_obs} eddies", color="g", **kw_cont)
backward, _ = lavd_backward.eddy_identification(**kw_ident)
backward.display(label="LAVD backward {nb_obs} eddies", color="r", **kw_cont)
forward, _ = lavd_forward_static.eddy_identification(**kw_ident)
forward.display(label="LAVD forward static {nb_obs} eddies", color="cyan", **kw_cont)
backward, _ = lavd_backward_static.eddy_identification(**kw_ident)
    label="LAVD backward static {nb_obs} eddies", color="orange", **kw_cont
Detection of eddies with several method
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in power
  result = np.where(m, fa, umath.power(fa, fb)).view(basetype)
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Warning: 'partition' will ignore the 'mask' of the MaskedArray.
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Warning: 'partition' will ignore the 'mask' of the MaskedArray.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 31.449 seconds)

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