Follow particle

import re

from matplotlib import colors, pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from numpy import arange, meshgrid, ones, unique, zeros

from py_eddy_tracker import start_logger
from py_eddy_tracker.appli.gui import Anim
from import get_demo_path
from py_eddy_tracker.dataset.grid import GridCollection
from py_eddy_tracker.observations.groups import particle_candidate
from import NetworkObservations

class VideoAnimation(FuncAnimation):
    def _repr_html_(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """To get video in html and have a player"""
        content = self.to_html5_video()
        return re.sub(
            r'width="[0-9]*"\sheight="[0-9]*"', 'width="100%" height="100%"', content

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if args[0].endswith("gif"):
            # In this case gif is used to create thumbnail which is not used but consume same time than video
            # So we create an empty file, to save time
            with open(args[0], "w") as _:
        return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
n = NetworkObservations.load_file(get_demo_path("")).network(651)
n = n.extract_with_mask((n.time >= 20180) * (n.time <= 20269))
n = n.remove_dead_end(nobs=0, ndays=10)
c = GridCollection.from_netcdf_cube(
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
  result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9])
_ = n.display_timeline(ax, field="longitude", marker="+", lw=2, markersize=5)
pet follow particle


Particle settings

t_snapshot = 20200
step = 1 / 50.0
x, y = meshgrid(arange(20, 36, step), arange(30, 46, step))
N = 6
x_f, y_f = x[::N, ::N].copy(), y[::N, ::N].copy()
x, y = x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1)
x_f, y_f = x_f.reshape(-1), y_f.reshape(-1)
n_ = n.extract_with_mask(n.time == t_snapshot)
index = n_.contains(x, y, intern=True)
m = index != -1
index = n_.segment[index[m]]
index_ = unique(index)
x, y = x[m], y[m]
m = ~n_.inside(x_f, y_f, intern=True)
x_f, y_f = x_f[m], y_f[m]


cmap = colors.ListedColormap(list(n.COLORS), name="from_list", N=n.segment.max() + 1)
a = Anim(
    figsize=(12, 6),
a.fig.suptitle(""),, 36),, 36)
a.txt.set_position((25, 31))

step = 0.25
kw_p = dict(nb_step=2, time_step=86400 * step * 0.5, t_init=t_snapshot - 2 * step, u_name="u", v_name="v")

mappables = dict()
particules = c.advect(x, y, **kw_p)
filament = c.filament(x_f, y_f, **kw_p, filament_size=3)
kw = dict(ls="", marker=".", markersize=0.25)
for k in index_:
    m = k == index
    mappables[k] =[], [], color=cmap(k), **kw)[0]
m_filament =[], [], lw=0.25, color="gray")[0]

def update(frame):
    tt, xt, yt = particules.__next__()
    for k, mappable in mappables.items():
        m = index == k
        mappable.set_data(xt[m], yt[m])
    tt, xt, yt = filament.__next__()
    m_filament.set_data(xt, yt)
    if frame % 1 == 0:

ani = VideoAnimation(a.fig, update, frames=arange(20200, 20269, step), interval=200)

Particle advection

Advection from speed contour to speed contour (default)

step = 1 / 60.0

t_start, t_end = int(n.period[0]), int(n.period[1])
dt = 14

shape = (n.obs.size, 2)
# Forward run
i_target_f, pct_target_f = -ones(shape, dtype="i4"), zeros(shape, dtype="i1")
for t in arange(t_start, t_end - dt):
    particle_candidate(c, n, step, t, i_target_f, pct_target_f, n_days=dt)

# Backward run
i_target_b, pct_target_b = -ones(shape, dtype="i4"), zeros(shape, dtype="i1")
for t in arange(t_start + dt, t_end):
    particle_candidate(c, n, step, t, i_target_b, pct_target_b, n_days=-dt)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax_1st_b = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.52, 0.45, 0.45])
ax_2nd_b = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.45, 0.45])
ax_1st_f = fig.add_axes([0.52, 0.52, 0.45, 0.45])
ax_2nd_f = fig.add_axes([0.52, 0.05, 0.45, 0.45])
ax_1st_b.set_title("Backward advection for each time step")
ax_1st_f.set_title("Forward advection for each time step")
ax_1st_b.set_ylabel("Color -> First target\nLatitude")
ax_2nd_b.set_ylabel("Color -> Secondary target\nLatitude")
ax_2nd_b.set_xlabel("Julian days"), ax_2nd_f.set_xlabel("Julian days")
ax_1st_f.set_yticks([]), ax_2nd_f.set_yticks([])
ax_1st_f.set_xticks([]), ax_1st_b.set_xticks([])

def color_alpha(target, pct, vmin=5, vmax=80):
    color = cmap(n.segment[target])
    # We will hide under 5 % and from 80% to 100 % it will be 1
    alpha = (pct - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
    alpha[alpha < 0] = 0
    alpha[alpha > 1] = 1
    color[:, 3] = alpha
    return color

kw = dict(
    name=None, yfield="longitude", event=False, zorder=-100, s=(n.speed_area / 20e6)
n.scatter_timeline(ax_1st_b, c=color_alpha(i_target_b.T[0], pct_target_b.T[0]), **kw)
n.scatter_timeline(ax_2nd_b, c=color_alpha(i_target_b.T[1], pct_target_b.T[1]), **kw)
n.scatter_timeline(ax_1st_f, c=color_alpha(i_target_f.T[0], pct_target_f.T[0]), **kw)
n.scatter_timeline(ax_2nd_f, c=color_alpha(i_target_f.T[1], pct_target_f.T[1]), **kw)
for ax in (ax_1st_b, ax_2nd_b, ax_1st_f, ax_2nd_f):
    n.display_timeline(ax, field="longitude", marker="+", lw=2, markersize=5)
Backward advection for each time step, Forward advection for each time step

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 41.284 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery